Repository.au is a fashion blog of sorts, run by a few mates from Melbourne who want to shop beyond the General Pants and Universal Store’s of the world and support local up-and-coming brands. The idea started as we wanted a place where we could see a range of items from local Australian (and even New Zealand) brands all in one spot. We know there is heat out there, it’s just a matter of finding it.

Our mantra is ‘support local, stay trendy’.

If you are, or know of, a local brand that is keen to make their mark in the marketplace, let us know, and if we vibe with your gear we’ll plug it.

All the views on items plugged are our own. While we are open to endorsements, we will be transparent about any products that have been gifted to us and we will only make authentic and honest reviews about products we like.

At the end of the day, we are just a group of four 25-year-old Melbournians who like hanging out, sipping vodka lime sodas and looking good. If you are like us, come along for the journey!


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